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In December, I was interviewed by the Asahi Shimbun headquarters, and an article was published in the morning in early January, mainly in eastern Japan.

It is carefully written about the episodes up to the gazebo and how to be in the current area.

Thank you for coming to Tokyo for the purpose.

弊社代表の内野が東京「有楽町 micro FOOD & IDEA MARKET」にてトークイベントを行います



「有楽町micro×離島ナイト Vol.02 〜鹿児島離島文化経済圏(リトラボ)鹿児島・種子島編〜 日時:1月17日(金)19:00〜21:00 参加費:無料

温帯から亜熱帯に渡る南北600kmに広がる鹿児島県下26の有人離島。 それぞれの異なるテーマを持って取り組む離島地域のプレーヤーと、民間、行政の垣根を超えたパートナーとともに、鹿児島の離島に新たなプロジェクトを生み出していく創造的なコミュニティが船出。 今回は、鉄砲伝来の地、宇宙に一番近い島“種子島”。studio KANRO 代表取締役で一級建築士の内野康平さんをお招きします。島出身、島に居住していない地域プレーヤーとして種子島の営みを設計する、これまでにない関係性と関わり方を実践しています。

有楽町 micro FOOD & IDEA MARKET:

Our representative Uchino will hold a talk event in Tokyo "Yurakucho micro FOOD & IDEA MARKET"

We will talk about activities in Tanegashima, Hiroshima and Senegal until we can stay at the Botanical Museum Azumaya!

For those in the Kanto area, participation fee is free, so please feel free to come.

`` Yurakucho micro × remote island night @ Vol.02

~ Kagoshima Remote Island Cultural Economic Zone (Litrabo) Kagoshima and Tanegashima Edition ~

The date and time: Friday, January 17 from 19:00 to 21:00

Participation fee: Free

26 inhabited remote islands in Kagoshima prefecture extending 600km from north to south from temperate to subtropical.

A creative community has begun to create new projects on remote islands in Kagoshima with players from remote islands working on different themes and partners that cross private and administrative boundaries.

This time, Tanegashima, the island closest to the universe, where the guns were introduced. We invite studio KANRO President and CEO Kohei Uchino. He designs and manages Tanegashima's activities as a local player who lives and does not live on the island, practicing unprecedented relationships and relationships.




In addition to the swing, I attached a hammock!

Surrounded by plants, feeling the sound of birds and the wind,



it's the best

I'm sleepy

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